Sorry I picked up on this late, because you wouldn't have missed this. The Minnesota Twins held a small event during games yesterday and today. For $33, fans could get an upper level seat and UNLIMITED concession stand food. That's equal parts brilliant and revolting, depending on your love for standard sporting event fare. Of course, each person was limited to two items per trip through the line. And obviously you had to consume both items before re-entering the line (unless you were crafty and wore well-pocketed pants, as one fan gloated in today's paper).
Yeah it's kinda (extremely) gross, envisioning a guy literally cramming a dog and nachos down his throat just as he hops back in line for the fourth go around. But consider this: that guy has been going to games all his life, getting ripped off all the way. Today, AD 2008, he must part with $10 for just a hot dog, drink and chips. It's about time he was rewarded, and in the form of nachos, giant pretzels, and malt cups galore. I say bless him. And now get him in for his yearly check-up, stat.
I hadn't heard about that, otherwise I may have gotten a ticket to that one.
Mr. Kent, because I am not a resident Minnesotan, I must ask you if there are any type of distinctly Minnesotan foods offered at Twins games worth paying $33.00 for unlimited access too. My feeling is that the Twin Cities offer no such "fine" dinning at their sporting events, and thus and justify the splurge on nachos, pretzels, hot dogs and (soda) pop (or beer I suppose).
Could you imagine if this were to happen in, say, Milwaukee? It would be as if someone was trying to play some cruel joke and set the Guinness Book of World Record for most massive heart attacks from food consumption at one event record...or something.
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