Monday, April 07, 2008

Also new: "Arbitrarily Chosen Thing of the Week"

You hate Mondays. I know it. So from now till kingdom come, Mondays are the official home of the "Arbitrarily Chosen Thing of the Week," or ACT(W). What that is? Oh just something so great, you can bask in its glorious glow all Monday and for the rest of the week. It's like therapy or (prescription) drugs. And now...

ACT(W) for April 7, 2008 is...

Yeah, him. Easily the most awesome character ever to come from a Japanese cartoon made for preschool-age girls. Born in Oahu, Hawaii on April Fools day, 1993. (??!?) Attitude? That doesn't even come close. Sure he's as cute as they come, but you also get the feeling he breaks thumbs for the mob in his spare time. No other penguin in history could match that icicle-dagger stare. Or that rebellious, kinda vaguely mohawk shaped head. And hyphenated names always net a 2x score multiplier. Badtz-Maru.

See all the crazy things this guy does at Official word is at, not as heavily recommended.

Almost didn't add this, but apparently the name Badtz-Maru is "literally 'XO'." Whatever, Wikipedia.

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